Happy Stroke-A-Versary, Daddy 💚

20 years ago, my dad had all 3 different kinds of strokes at the same time in the same spot near his brain stem. After falling to the ground & puking, he crawled to a recliner in his bedroom. He told my mom not to call 911, so she didn’t. I was concerned whenever IContinue reading “Happy Stroke-A-Versary, Daddy 💚”

Charlie got to be pitcher & I wish I could tell you…

Tonight, my youngest, Charlie, got to be pitcher. This is something he has been itching to do and talking about non-stop for two weeks. I quickly grabbed my phone & started snapping pictures. Without thinking I thought, “I can’t wait to send these to Jess. He’s going to be so excited!!” Then it hit me.Continue reading “Charlie got to be pitcher & I wish I could tell you…”